

Nov 25, 2023

Mushroom Design Reviews

Mushroom Design is a nutritional supplement using the power of mushrooms to help you age younger from the inside out.

By taking Mushroom Design daily, you can purportedly skyrocket energy, support digestion, support healthy joints and skin, and more.

Keep reading to find out everything you need to know about Mushroom Design and how it works today in our review.

Mushroom Design is a mushroom-based formula available exclusively through

Featuring a blend of natural mushroom extracts, each capsule of Mushroom Design is packed with beta glucans, ergothioneine and other natural antioxidants to support various health and wellness goals.

Mushroom Design is primarily marketed to adults who want to feel more energized. By taking two capsules of Mushroom Design daily, you can purportedly feel younger, stronger, and more active than you thought possible.

Mushroom Design is priced at $39.99 per bottle and backed by a 180 day moneyback guarantee.

Mushroom Design works by targeting a "longevity vitamin" hidden inside every cell. That longevity vitamin is ergothioneine.

As you get older, your longevity vitamin levels get lower and lower. As these levels drop, you feel older and less energetic. You begin to feel the accelerated effects of aging.

The makers of Mushroom Design compare the longevity vitamin to a cell phone battery. Every time you charge your cell phone, you’re diminishing its charging capacity by a tiny amount. Over time, these tiny decreases add up to big drops in energy.

Instead, Mushroom Design involves taking a handful of mushroom extracts – backed by centuries of use in traditional medicine – to support the youthful power in every part of your body.

Mushroom Design was created by a functional health expert and certified yoga teacher named Ashley Southard. Ashley founded an agency helping wellness practitioners, functional doctors, non-profits, and natural supplement companies share their messages with the world.

After being surrounded by doctors and health professionals every day, Ashley thought she knew how to take care of her body. She ate well, exercised, and took the right supplements.

On the inside, however, Ashley was suffering. It felt like something was "off." She felt fatigued, bloated, and heavy. She had dark bags under her eyes and a constant feeling of discomfort.

Ashley's doctor told she needed to eat better, exercise more, and sleep. The doctor also told Ashley she had blood cancer, although that was a false reading caused by a powdered supplement.

After the mistaken diagnosis, Ashley set herself on a journey to target the root cause of low energy, fatigue, and aging. Mushroom Design is the end result of that journey.

Ashley does not claim to have formal medical experience (aside from having a kinesiology degree and being a certified yoga teacher). However, she did partner with a published and acclaimed scientist named Zach Petrover to develop the formula, giving Mushroom Design added legitimacy over competing products.

Zach specializes in cellular immunology, longevity, and molecular cellular biology. Ashley claims he's one of the smartest people she's ever met.

Zach was researching the fountain of youth. He was trying to determine why some people feel the effects of aging while others do not.

Zach's work led him to discover "self-repairing cells," which play a crucial role in how your body manages aging.

Ashley and Zach teamed up to create Mushroom Design to target "self-repairing cells" within the human body. These cells are critical for energy, aging, and overall health and wellness.

Here's what you need to know about self-repairing cells and how they work:

Mushroom Design claims to work by targeting the inflammation affecting your self-repairing cells, helping you boost energy and vitality.

When your body is damaged, it sends blood and oxygen to the damage to repair it. This leads to inflammation.

Inflammation can be a good thing: it's a sign your body is healing. However, too much inflammation can cause your body to enter burnout mode, leading to fatigue and other noticeable effects of aging.

Mushroom Design is designed to counteract this trend, fight back against inflammation, and prevent your cells from entering burnout mode. Here's how the process works:

When formulating Mushroom Design, the team searched for natural ingredients to maximize the longevity vitamin. They stumbled upon a specific type of mushroom with 112 times the amount of longevity vitamin as any other food.

It's called king oyster mushroom, also known as Pleurotus eryngii. Used for thousands of years in food and medicine around the world, king oyster mushroom has been prized for its effects.

In fact, the Roman emperor Nero described king oyster mushrooms as the "food of the gods" because of their purported benefits, and king oyster mushrooms also played a critical role in traditional Chinese medicine, where they were seen as the "elixir of life."

King oyster mushroom works because it contains high levels of L-ergothioneine – also known as the longevity vitamin. As you get older, levels of this vitamin drop. Mushrooms like king oyster can increase it.

Mushroom Design contains king oyster mushrooms and a bundle of other mushrooms with high levels of L-ergothioneine – the longevity vitamin.

The makers of Mushroom Design researched the most powerful mushroom extracts available today, then gathered them into one convenient supplement. Mushroom Design is the end result.

Here are all 18 active ingredients in Mushroom Design and how they work:

King Oyster Mushroom: King oyster mushroom is one of the most important ingredients in Mushroom Design. It has 112 times the levels of the longevity vitamin as other foods, making it crucial for supporting longevity and anti-aging effects.

Lion's Mane Mushroom: Lion's’ mane mushroom has strong antioxidant, stress reducing, and immune boosting abilities, according to the makers of Mushroom Design. The mushroom is also the second best source of the longevity vitamin after king oyster mushroom, delivering 30x the amount of longevity vitamin as black turtle beans.

Shiitake Mushroom: Shiitake mushroom has 21x more longevity vitamin than black turtle beans, making it ideal for supporting longevity vitamin levels. Shiitake mushrooms have been used for centuries for everything from anti-aging effects to reducing skin irritation. According to the makers of Mushroom Design, shiitake can inhibit elastase, the enzyme breaking down elastin, to give you a younger-looking complexion.

Chaga Mushroom: Chaga mushroom contains 20x the amount of longevity vitamin as black turtle beans and chicken liver. This mushroom is also rich in antioxidants to help reduce inflammation, making chaga critical for anti-aging effects. Chaga can also improve skin cell regeneration, support DNA repair, and help your body fight against harmful bacteria, according to the makers of Mushroom Design.

Cordyceps: Cordyceps is the fifth mushroom extract in Mushroom Design. Cordyceps contains 16x the amount of longevity vitamin as black turtle beans. It can also help supress inflammation throughout the body, helping you feel more energized throughout the day.

Maitake Mushroom: The sixth mushroom extract in Mushroom Design is maitake mushroom. Renowned for its immune-boosting effects, maitake mushroom can stimulate immune defense reaction at the cellular level, giving you natural immunity to help you get through every day unscathed.

Reishi Mushroom: Reishi mushroom is described as "king of the mushrooms" and is known to boost immunity, support gut health, and reduce gut inflammation. Gut health has a crucial impact on health and wellness. It's even considered a prebiotic, which means it can support healthy gut bacteria and balance probiotic levels in your gut.

Agarikon Mushroom: Agarikon mushroom, also known as Lariciforomes officinalis, is known for its antibacterial properties. Studies show agarikon mushrooms have natural antibacterial and antiviral activity against various species, making it easy for your immune system to function correctly.

Turkey Tail: The ninth and final mushroom extract in Mushroom Design is turkey tail. A medicinal mushroom with a long range of benefits, turkey tail can boost immunity via its rich source of antioxidants. According to the makers of Mushroom Design, turkey tail can lower inflammation, reduce fatigue, lower anxiety, and reduce signs of premature aging, among other effects.

9 Vitamins: Mushroom Design also contains 9 cell-regenerating vitamins to boost energy and support levels of the longevity vitamin. Each serving of Mushroom Design contains vitamins B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, B12, C, D3, and E, for example. It's like a high-powered multivitamin combined with a blend of science-backed mushroom extracts. Vitamin B1, for example, can support the body's response to oxidative stress, while vitamin B12 is crucial for supporting the health of an aging brain, according to Mushroom Design.

Overall, Mushroom Design contains a blend of 9 adaptogenic mushrooms and 9 science-backed vitamins to support the longevity vitamin and reverse the effects of aging.

Mushroom Design Is On Sale Now For A Limited Time!

Ashley Southard, the creator of Mushroom Design, tested the formula on herself before selling it to others.

Here's what Ashley experienced soon after taking Mushroom Design:

The first few days of taking Mushroom Design, Ashley "felt something shift" in her body. She noticed her fatigue and discomfort started to vanish, being replaced by "a steady stream of controlled energy."

Over the next couple weeks, this feeling became even stronger. Ashley felt energized, active, and full of life. She didn't feel a "jittery" energy. Instead, she felt clean, pure, long-lasting energy. She was so energized she sometimes avoided taking coffee.

After a month of taking Mushroom Design, Ashley's skin became visibly more radiant and smoother. Her dark spots began to fade. Friends and family started to ask her what her skincare secret was.

Motivated by her success, Ashley started to share Mushroom Design with friends, coworkers, yoga clients, and relatives. They experienced similar results:

"Everyone told me they just felt better… their minds felt sharper… and overall they were calmer and more at peace with themselves."

One 62-year old yoga client, for example, claims she felt like she was in her 30s after taking Mushroom Design for just a few weeks.

As proof Mushroom Design works, the manufacturer cites 85+ studies on the product's references page. Although Mushroom Design has not completed its own clinical trials, the supplement uses science-backed ingredients that have completed their own clinical trials. We’ll review that evidence below.

Cordyceps is the largest mushroom in Mushroom Design because it's the first listed ingredient in the proprietary formula. Multiple studies have validated the use of cordyceps in health supplements. A 2020 study published in Molecules, for example, found cordyceps had various bioactive components – including cordycepin – to support various effects throughout the body. Specifically, researchers found cordycepin was linked to anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-aging, anticancer, and antiviral properties, among other impressive effects. Another study echoed those results, linking cordycepin (3’deoxyadenosine) with potent anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anticancer effects.

The makers of Mushroom Design describe ergothioneine as the vitality mineral because of its connection to anti-aging effects. Ergothioneine is an amino acid found mostly in mushrooms along with red and black beans. One 2020 study even described ergothioneine as a "longevity vitamin," claiming it was found in limited amounts in the American diet despite being linked to significant effects. That study found ergothioneine could "prevent or mitigate chronic diseases of aging," leading many to call it the longevity vitamin. That study also found mushrooms are "by far, the leading dietary source of ERGO [L-ergothioneine).

Lion's mane has been linked to neurotrophic properties, which is why it's found in many nootropics and brain health supplements. A 2013 study found lion's mane mushroom promoted nerve growth factor (NGF) essential for brain function, for example.

Turkey tail mushroom, also known as Trametes versicolor, has been linked to similar effects to other mushrooms in Mushroom design, including anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anti-cancer effects. A 2012 study, for example, found turkey tail mushroom extract helped with one woman's cancer. She took 4g of turkey tail mushroom extract daily after completing a chemotherapy regimen. Researchers found turkey tail improved helped modulate immunity after radiotherapy.

Overall, Mushroom Design contains a science-backed blend of mushrooms mixed with a strong multivitamin blend, giving you a powerful source of L-ergothioneine, the longevity mineral. By taking Mushroom Design daily, you could experience anti-aging effects.

Buy Mushroom Design Before it's SOLD OUT

The makers of Mushroom Design use a proprietary formula for all nine mushroom extracts, bundling all extracts together into a single blend. However, we know the overall dosage of the proprietary formula and the specific dosage of each vitamin or mineral in the formula.

Here's what you get in each two capsule serving of Mushroom Design, according to the Supplement Facts label:

321mg of a mushroom blend with cordyceps, lion's mane, turkey tail, agarikon, chaga, maitake, oyster, reishi, and shiitake mushroom extracts

Other (inactive) ingredients, including dried myelinated brown rice, dried myelinated gluten-free oats, medium chain triglycerides (MCT) oil, microcrystalline cellulose, vegetable cellulose (HPMC) for the capsule, silica, and natural cabbage pigment.

Mushroom Design is backed by hundreds of positive reviews online, with many customers agreeing it works as advertised to support various benefits.

Here are some of the reviews shared by Mushroom Design customers online:

One customer claims her "brain feels clear" and her energy feels stronger after taking Mushroom Design. She has also felt her appetite decrease.

Multiple customers describe Mushroom Design as the best mushroom vitamin product on the market.

Most customers feel the results within days of taking Mushroom Design for the first time, with the most impressive results occurring after taking the supplement for 30 days.

Dr. Jarred Mait, a licensed medical doctor, has publicly endorsed the supplement. In fact, Dr. Mait claims he has "completely stopped using other multivitamins in my practice," recommending Mushroom Design instead because it's "a game changer."

Multiple customers agree the most noticeable effects are on energy. Many customers notice a significant boost in physical and cognitive energy after taking Mushroom Design, for example, including all-day, natural energy.

Many customers also like Mushroom Design because they can take a single mushroom supplement instead of multiple formulas. Some customers have heard about the benefits of all of the mushroom extracts inside Mushroom Design. Instead of taking multiple supplements, they can take a single one.

Mushroom Design is priced at $39.99 per bottle. However, you can pay significantly less by ordering multiple bottles of Mushroom Design online today, dropping the price as low as $35.99 per bottle.

Here's how pricing works when ordering Mushroom Design online:

Each bottle contains a 30 day supply of Mushroom Design, or 30 servings (60 capsules). You take two capsules daily to support health and wellness.

Mushroom Design has a 180-day, 6-month unconditional guarantee. If you’re unsatisfied with your purchase for any reason within 180 days, then you can request a complete refund with no questions asked.

Mushroom Design is manufactured by a supplement company doing business under the same name: Mushroom Design, LLC. The Mushroom Design formula itself was created by Ashley Southard, a certified yoga teacher, and Zach Petrover, a scientist specializing in immunology.

You can contact Mushroom Design, LLC and the company's customer service team via the following:

Mushroom Design is a popular mushroom supplement available online through

Featuring a blend of 9 science-backed mushroom extracts with 9 vitamins and minerals, Mushroom Design can support anti-aging effects by targeting the longevity vitamin.

To learn more about Mushroom Design or to buy the mushroom supplement today, visit the official website! >>>


Mushroom Design king oyster mushroom King Oyster Mushroom: Lion's Mane Mushroom: Shiitake Mushroom: Chaga Mushroom: Cordyceps: Maitake Mushroom: Reishi Mushroom: Agarikon Mushroom: Turkey Tail: 9 Vitamins: Cordyceps ergothioneine Lion's mane Turkey tail mushroom 1 Bottle: 3 Bottles: 6 Bottles: Email: Phone: ALSO READ: